Latest Research

The Horses and Human Societies in the North American West project promotes collaborative research with and public outreach to Indigenous communities, supports early-career researchers, and funds the development of scientific facilities and graduate education at three western universities—the University of Colorado-Boulder, University of New Mexico, and University of Oklahoma. Our results have been disseminated through scientific literature, popular media, and a museum exhibit, as well as a series of seminars bringing together scholars and Indigenous leaders.

Keep up to date with our latest findings by exploring the links below!


This museum exhibit explores Indigenous horse culture and stories about the horse across the Plains and Southwest.


Archaeological study of early horse remains in Utah reveals Indigenous horse herding and riding.


Horses in Pueblo History and Culture

Santo Domingo Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Christopher Chavez discusses the role of horses in Pueblo history and culture.

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3D modeling of horse remains from Wichita sites in Oklahoma digitally preserves artifacts.
